Earth Day!
Holidays like Earth Day come and go - but what do they give us? At Rose Bazaar, we believe they give us an opportunity to pause and to reflect on the steps we take throughout the year. A commitment to the planet is one that must be held strongly everyday, and much like flowers, it must be a way of life.
So what do we do to make our commitment to the planet a way of life? There’s three crucial aspects: delivery, packaging and produce.
By tying up with puja ladies, newspaper vendors and milk vendors, we make sure that when we arrive at your doorstep, we come with your other daily essentials. Our last mile delivery ensures that the carbon footprint leading to your doorstep is minimal. Instead of sending 15 different people to your doorstep carrying one product each, by subscribing to our boxes you ensure that we can send you a curated package that brings you all you products just in time for your needs.
By sourcing our products locally, we can make sure everything we send you was made responsibly and that it is in sync with the environment we live in. We search for products which are good for you and good for the environment: because both of those things go hand in hand. Our flowers are farm fresh, and because we grow the roses ourselves, we ensure they are grown using the latest farming techniques which make sure every drop counts.
Hydroponics farming is a method by which flowers can be grown with minimal wastage of nutrients, water and energy. The flowers are of better quality because you get the bang for your buck and at the same time, the pressure on the environment is minimal as all the inputs are used without waste.
When it comes to packaging, you see our commitment everyday. We don’t believe in single-use plastic, and throughout our supply line have intervened to reduce the amount of non-recyclable materials being used in packaging. We want our products to leave you feeling good, and the Earth too!
But here is the crux of the matter: imagine a moment. The rising fragrance of sandalwood incense mixes with the intoxicating scent of fresh jasmine blooming in your house, as the morning sun filters in. This moment may seem like a trivial luxury. But that moment of beauty, when the roses open their heads to bloom in your house and welcome a new day, that’s what drives us.
We believe flowers make you fall in love. They cause you to pause, to look, to for a second, notice the beauty of the world we get to live in. And it’s important to fall in love with the world everyday: we need to love the world to be in it, and we need to love it all the way to the end of this world, so that we can create a new, better one.
It starts with a simple belief: that this world is ours, and that it is worth that moment of quiet when you stop and smell the roses. With that moment, we can fall back in love with our planet. With that moment, we can change the world.