How to Decorate the Idol for Varamahalakshmi Puja: A Step-by-Step Guid – Rosebazaar India

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How to Decorate the Idol for Varamahalakshmi Puja: A Step-by-Step Guide

Varamahalakshmi Puja is an auspicious festival celebrated by Hindus, particularly in South India. This festival is dedicated to Goddess Mahalakshmi, the Goddess of Wealth and Prosperity. One of the important aspects of the puja is decorating the idol of the Goddess. In this blog, we will provide a step-by-step guide on how to decorate the idol for Varamahalakshmi Puja.

Step 1: Clean the idol

Before starting the decoration, it is important to clean the idol of the Goddess. Use a clean cloth or sponge to wipe the idol and remove any dirt or dust.

Step 2: Apply sandalwood paste

Apply sandalwood paste on the idol of the Goddess. You can use a brush or your fingers to apply the paste evenly. Sandalwood paste is known to have a cooling effect and is believed to purify the surroundings.

Step 3: Decorate with flowers

Take a variety of flowers, such as marigold, jasmine, and rose, and arrange them around the idol. You can also use flower garlands to decorate the idol. Flowers are believed to be a symbol of purity and divinity.

Step 4: Add accessories

You can add accessories such as bangles, anklets, and necklaces to the idol. These accessories are believed to enhance the beauty and grace of the Goddess.

Step 5: Light diyas and incense sticks

Light diyas and incense sticks near the idol. This will create a serene and holy atmosphere and will help in invoking the blessings of the Goddess.

Step 6: Offer fruits, sweets, and other offerings

After decorating the idol, offer fruits, sweets, and other offerings to the Goddess. This is an important part of the puja and is believed to please the Goddess.

In conclusion, decorating the idol for Varamahalakshmi Puja is an important aspect of the festival. By following this step-by-step guide, you can make your puja celebrations more special and enjoyable. We hope this guide will help you in decorating the idol for Varamahalakshmi Puja.