Sapori Nuovi Dinner
On the 30th of August, Chef Natasha Celmi prepared a super special dinner, “Sapori Nuovi” at The Courtyard in Bangalore. “Sapori Nuovi” translates to new flavours.
To accentuate their wooden interiors and warm amber tones, we decided to style their table with GoldenRod bunches. Especially for a late evening setting with yellow lights, these simple flowers are unobtrusive and yet add a bit of drama and glam to the table. Their texture draws the eye in, and by spreading them out over the table in small jars, we ensured that dish placement would never become a hassle and nobody’s line of sight would be disturbed.
Golden rod is also great for tables as it lasts long, allowing us to set us well in advance and enjoy the flowers the next day as well. They are also useful in that they do not shed, which is a problem you do not want to have at the dinner table! They also do not have a strong scent once their leaves are stripped, which is intentional so that the flavours of the food are not overwhelmed or clashing with the flowers. This design was simple, elegant and added the necessary pop of color to bring a little bit of magic to the evening!
Creating that ultimate dinner experience for your guests is not just about being a good host and the good food provided, it’s also about the accessories that go along with the food and the ambience. Using flowers will take your dinner party to the next level and make it picture perfect. You can start with the flowers or you can also use them as finishing touches for your table. This will make the dinner experience that much more special. Using fresh flowers makes a huge difference in any room, event, festival or party.
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Here are some of the gorgeous pictures from the evening: