Ganesha Writes the Mahabharata
Sage Vyasa was the one who compiled the Vedas. He came up with the great epic Mahabharata. After conceiving this idea, he started to think of ways he could put this story out into the world. Lord Brahma told was the one who told Vyasa to make Ganesha his scribe. One of the versions of the says that Vyasa put forth the condition that he would not stop reciting the Mahabharata and that Ganesha should not stop while writing it down and the other condition was that not only was Ganesha to write it but also understand the verses that was being recited. When Ganesha agreed to these conditions Vyasa then began to recite the Mahabharata. It is said that it took both Vyasa and Ganesha three years of this continuous reciting and writing to complete the Mahabharata.

If you look at Lord Ganesha you can see that one of his tusks is broken. One of the stories goes like this; while Ganesha was writing the Mahabharata with a feather, it broke. In order to stick to the condition that Vyasa put forth, Ganesha broke his tusk and started to write with it so he could write continuously without any interruptions.
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