Employee Spotlights: Radha – Rosebazaar India

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Employee Spotlights: Radha

Born and brought up in Yelahanka all her life, Radha Y R started working in a garment company. She said, “One batch has about 80 people in it, where everyone had certain targets to meet. The intense work environment and pressure in the company started to affect her body. She started experiencing severe leg pain, which then started to affect her eyes which ultimately affected her productivity.” Because of this, Radha decided to quit her job and stay at home. While she worked there she met Kalavathi (another employee of Rose Bazaar). Kalavathi mentioned to Radha that there was a position available for puja flowers packing at Rose Bazaar, and brought her to the office. 

Rose Bazaar, Puja, workshop, ficci flo, mala, garland, jasmine, sevanthi, roses, marigold, employee, radha

When she first started there were only 50 boxes to pack, but as Rose Bazaar grew, her responsibilities grew as well. Over time, Radha went from packing flowers to learning new  skills, and today she in turn trains new ladies who join Rose Bazaar. 

Today her skillset has widened way beyond just garland making - Radha has become a pro at going to apartment promotions and bringing in orders. Because she is a confident and articulate speaker, she has also led multiple skills training workshops for FICCI Flo Bangalore at Parikrama centres, where she teaches women different garlands and explains to them what working at Rose Bazaar entails. It wasn't until Rose Bazaar that Radha learnt to how to make garlands and molas, but now she is passing on the skills to others! 

Rose Bazaar, Puja, workshop, ficci flo, mala, garland, jasmine, sevanthi, roses, marigold, employee, radha

Nowadays, Radha has also started learning the basics of western flower arrangements - starting with our flower boxes. Radha also accompanies our head florist for decoration events to lend a hand and improve her own skill set. Although she is still a trainee in large decor installations, because of her keen eye for balance and shape she is a great asset to have around! 

Rose Bazaar, Puja, workshop, ficci flo, mala, garland, jasmine, sevanthi, roses, marigold, employee, radha

With the number of customers growing everyday her responsibility with the packing has also increased. Working at the Rose Bazaar office ‘brings me a sense of pride’ says Radha, due to this company being run by two young girls she sees the difference of treatment by the management. 

She says working in an office makes her job seem more real and formal. She’s now proud to tell people where she works, and not just her but her family now proudly tell everyone that she works in an office for Rose Bazaar! 

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